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Resources to share with parents and families
Check out our videos and workshops available for organisations

'Baby Connections'

Our short, simple, and accessible video animation about baby brain development to share with parents.


Helping parents understand about baby brain development, the importance of their well-being and helping them to give their babies the best start.






Available to subscribed organisations
Helping build babies' brains
printable PDF

A printable resource to help parents understand baby brain development and how they can support with this, giving their babies the best start



Poem: How can you help me build my brain?
Animated video

A short and emotive animated video helping parents understand how they can help build their babies brains, shared from a baby’s perspective.



Poem: How can you help me build my brain?
Printable PDF

A printable copy of the poem ‘How can you help me build my brain?’ Written from the perspective of a baby.



Free Resource:
Celebrate Your Success
Printable PDF

A printable copy of our "Celebrate Your Success' resource, aimed at encouraging parents to concentrate on positive moments and to focus on what they did well in day to day life.



Free Resource:
Baby Connections Posters
Printable PDF

Do you have a community space where you could display these Baby connections posters? Our Posters will help you to promote bonding and baby brain development messages. 

Suitable to be printed in A5, A4, A3

Print from here


parent well-being video resource

Do you or your organisation support parents of babies? We have made a video animation to help you! With parents and practitioners, we created a resource to support the well-being of parents and carers in the baby years!


We need your help!


At Close-Knit we are developing resources to help parents of babies.


We want to make sure our resources are helpful for parents and useful for practitioners to share with them. 


To help us make resources that are as relevant and beneficial as possible we want to hear from parents and practitioners, would you like to be involved?.













What practitioners say...

100% of practitioners recommend our sessions

"I will use the information and videos in my baby groups and breastfeeding groups"


Emma, Early Years Support Worker

"As a result of this session I will take stock of my own load when supporting families"


Sarah, Early Years Practitioner 

"As a result of this session I am thinking about how managers can support staff to be more calm and nurturing"



Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Close-Knit Families

St Aidan’s Centre, Clifton Street, Middlesbrough, TS1 4BZ

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